Plan à vol de corbeau, poème n°1
소프라노와 일렉트릭 기타, 비올라 다 감바를 위한 삼중주
Ensemble ictus 앙상블 익투스
Anne-Claire Baconnais, 소프라노
Eva Reiter, 비올라 다 감바
Tom Pauwels, 전자 기타
« Plan à vol de corbeau, poème n°1 »
'오감도, 시제 1호'는 프랑스의 Royaumont 재단이 2022년 Voix Nouvelles 상 수상자인 작곡가 정진욱에게 위촉한 작품입니다.
'숨'은 자유롭고 때로는 날카롭고 가볍지만 덧없습니다. 숨결의 화살은 제 음악의 시작을 열고, 주의를 끌며, 기억과 저항을 전달합니다. 이 곡은 한국 시인 이상(1910~1937)이 쓴 '오감도, 시제 1호'이라는 시에서 영감을 받았습니다. 그는 한국 현대 문학의 가장 중요한 전위주의 작가 중 한 명입니다. 이상의 건축학적 배경은 선, 점, 수 체계, 방정식, 도표 등의 언어가 포함된 그의 작품에 영향을 미쳤습니다. 그는 시에서 언어, 내면성, 자아 내면과 외부 세계와의 분리를 실험했는데, 이는 당시 일제강점기의 극도로 억압적인 분위기가 반영된 것이었습니다. 저는 그의 작품에서 숨어 있는 말과 난해한 은유의 억압되고 질식하는 분위기를 공기 소리와 호흡에서 나오는 소재를 조절하고 변형하여 표현하고 탐구하고 싶었습니다.
Urmeer (2018)
Trio for saxophone, percussion and piano
Ensemble Schallfeld
Sax. Matej Bunderla-Havaj
Perc. Manuel Alcaraz Clemente
Pn. Maria Flavia Cerrato
A commission for »Text im Klang« by Impuls,
Association for the Communication of Contemporary Music Graz
Premiére, recorded on 1 June 2018
Großer Minoritensaal, Graz, Austria
La pyramide de macarons (2018)
Quartet for flute and string trio
Fl. Matteo Cesari
(Members of Quartetto Prometeo)
Vn. Giulio Rovighi
Va. Massimo Piva
Vc. Francesco Dillon
Chigiana International Festival and Summer Accademy 2018
Final Concert of Composition Course (M° Salvatore Sciarrino)
Recorded on 20 July 2018
Palazzo Chigi Saracini, Siena, Italy
Unerasing (2016/18)
For Orchestra
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France
Direction: Peter Rundel
Festival »ManiFeste-2018«
IRCAM / Centre Pompidou
Création: 23 June 2018
CentQuatre Paris, France
Lame Duck (2017)
For solo oboe
Ob. Jaime González
A projekt of Ensemble Recherche
»Die Zukunft beginnt um 19.15 Uhr«
Premiére, recorded on 26 April 2017
Ensemblehaus Freiburg, Germany
Stairs (2016)
Quintet for clarinet, two cellos, harp and piano
Cl./Bcl. Jonathan Jehle
Vc.1 Elisabet Iserte López
Vc.2 Ana Lucia Arigoni
Hrp. Sólveig Thoroddsen
Pn. Mathieu Bech
Bachelorkonzert Komposition
Premiére, recorded on 1 July 2016
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
Reverse (2016)
For ensemble of 13 musicians
Fl. Isabelle Raphaelis
Cl. Maika Inoue
Hrn. Sonja Engelhardt
Perc. Liang Duo
Vn.1 Chanmi Shin
Va. Astrid Canales
Db. Kevin Zenteno
Bachelorkonzert Komposition
Premiére, recorded on 1 July 2016
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
Ob. Marco Drewes
Bn. Kevin Ramirez
Trob. Georg Schreiber
Pn. Samsol Bak
Vn.2 Marike Webel
Vc. Guillermo Pérez
Cond. René Gulikers
Traumbesuch (2015)
For string quartet
Vn.1 Lukas Stubenrauch
Vn.2 Roman Ohem
Va. Tzu-Chiao Lin
Vc. Tobias Hoffmann
Bachelorkonzert Komposition
Recorded on 1 July 2016
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
illuminé (2019)
Trio for saxophone, viola and accordion
Klangforum Wien
Sax. Gerald Preinfalk
Va. Dimitrios Polisoidis
Acc. Krassimir Sterev
A commission of »open music« for Klangforum Wien
Premiered and recorded on 20th December 2019
Museum der Wahrnehmung, Graz, Austria
"Bom?" (2018)
Duo for tenor recorder and harpsichord
Ensemble airborne extended
Caroline Mayrhofer, Tenor recorder
Sonja Leipold, Harpsichord
Musikprotokoll Graz - Steirischer Herbst
»concert d'après midi«
Premiére, recorded on 7th October 2018 by ORF
Hotel Wiesler, Graz, Austria
Urmeer (2018)
Trio for saxophone, percussion and piano
Ensemble Schallfeld
Sax. Matej Bunderla-Havaj
Perc. Manuel Alcaraz Clemente
Pn. Maria Flavia Cerrato
A commission for »Text im Klang« by Impuls,
Association for the Communication of Contemporary Music Graz
Premiére, recorded on 1 June 2018
Großer Minoritensaal, Graz, Austria
La pyramide de macarons (2018)
Quartet for flute and string trio
Fl. Matteo Cesari
(Members of Quartetto Prometeo)
Vn. Giulio Rovighi
Va. Massimo Piva
Vc. Francesco Dillon
Chigiana International Festival and Summer Accademy 2018
Final Concert of Composition Course (M° Salvatore Sciarrino)
Recorded on 20 July 2018
Palazzo Chigi Saracini, Siena, Italy
Unerasing (2016/18)
For Orchestra
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France
Direction: Peter Rundel
Festival »ManiFeste-2018«
IRCAM / Centre Pompidou
Création: 23 June 2018
CentQuatre Paris, France
Lame Duck (2017)
For solo oboe
Ob. Jaime González
A projekt of Ensemble Recherche
»Die Zukunft beginnt um 19.15 Uhr«
Premiére, recorded on 26 April 2017
Ensemblehaus Freiburg, Germany
Stairs (2016)
Quintet for clarinet, two cellos, harp and piano
Cl./Bcl. Jonathan Jehle
Vc.1 Elisabet Iserte López
Vc.2 Ana Lucia Arigoni
Hrp. Sólveig Thoroddsen
Pn. Mathieu Bech
Bachelorkonzert Komposition
Premiére, recorded on 1 July 2016
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
Reverse (2016)
For ensemble of 13 musicians
Fl. Isabelle Raphaelis
Cl. Maika Inoue
Hrn. Sonja Engelhardt
Perc. Liang Duo
Vn.1 Chanmi Shin
Va. Astrid Canales
Db. Kevin Zenteno
Bachelorkonzert Komposition
Premiére, recorded on 1 July 2016
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
Ob. Marco Drewes
Bn. Kevin Ramirez
Trob. Georg Schreiber
Pn. Samsol Bak
Vn.2 Marike Webel
Vc. Guillermo Pérez
Cond. René Gulikers
Traumbesuch (2015)
For string quartet
Vn.1 Lukas Stubenrauch
Vn.2 Roman Ohem
Va. Tzu-Chiao Lin
Vc. Tobias Hoffmann
Bachelorkonzert Komposition
Recorded on 1 July 2016
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
Folias (2015)
Sound design
Jinwook Jung
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
»GLOBALE: next_generation 6.0«
Recorded on 27 June 2015
ZKM Kubus, Karlsruhe, Germany
Narcisse (2014)
Duo for two Violoncelli
Vc.1 Elisabet Iserte López
Vc.2 Guillermo Pérez Nieto-Sandoval
Werkstattkonzert Komposition
Recorded on 26 January 2015
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
Eu-scha (2014)
For flute solo
Fl. Remi Nagano
A commission for the contemporary music concert series, »konzertreihe 11.11 neue musik« of Hans-Joachim Hespos
Premiére, recorded on 11 November 2014
Theater Delmenhorst, Germany